Promise Steam Clean Carpet

1029 S Record Ave # 2 Los AngelesCA90023

Open Map



* Lic & Insured

* Full Dyeing

* Truck Mounted

* Water Damage Technician

* Disinfection

* Unsmoke Systems

* Deep Cleaning

* Car Detailing

* Flea Control

* Pet Odor

* Carpet Protectors

* Spot Dyeing

* Non-Toxic Solutions

* Worker's Comp Insurance
by yasabe on December 11, 2019 from yasabe

Information from the business

Deep Cleaning
Water Damage Technician
Truck Mounted
Full Dyeing
Car Detailing
Non-Toxic Solutions
Pet Odor
Unsmoke Systems
Spot Dyeing
Lic & Insured
Carpet Protectors
Flea Control
by yasabe on February 07, 2014 from yasabe
Promise Steam Clean offers the Los Angeles area professional carpet cleaning services, using a green carpet cleaner. Our company is committed to providing you with the best service available. Our teams of professional carpet cleaners are skilled in all aspects of carpet care from identification of carpet fibers to soil analysis and carpet treatments. Customer satisfaction is very important to...
by superpages on June 21, 2011 from superpages