24/7 Security of South Florida

12168 SW 123rd Ct MiamiFL33186

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Call Our Trusted Agency Now for 24-Hr Security Officers in Miami.

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by showmelocal on February 04, 2015 from showmelocal

Information from the business

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We are always open, 24/7, via phone or email. If you'd like to swing by and say "Hi", our business location hours are from Monday through Sunday, 8:00am - 7:00pm. Walk-ins are welcomed and appointments are available.
by yellowpages on May 12, 2015 from yellowpages
We Are The Standard

We are always open, 24/7, via phone or email. If you'd like to swing by and say "Hi", our business location hours are from Monday through Sunday, 8:00am - 7:00pm. Walk-ins are welcomed and appointments are available.
by localcom on July 11, 2014 from localcom
247 Security of South Florida is the new standard in security. Our agency is designed from a radically different angle, from the “outside-in”. We are customer service focused, not sales oriented. We know, in no uncertain terms, that YOU are the key to our success. We also specialize. We don’t offer a broad stroke of services that we can never live up to with maximum success. We focus on those...
by facebook on June 06, 2014 from facebook
We are always open, 24/7, via phone or email. If you'd like to swing by and say "Hi", our business location hours are from Monday through Sunday, 8:00am - 7:00pm. Walk-ins are welcomed and appointments are available.. 24 Hours Security and Protection Service,Commercial and Residential Services,Un armed and Armed Guard Services.
by judysbook on February 07, 2014 from judysbook