Alamo Records & Sheet Music

125 Broadway St San AntonioTX78205

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Alamo Records & Sheet Music can be found at Broadway St 125. The following is offered: Music Stores. The entry is present with us since Sep 8, 2010 and was last updated on Nov 12, 2013. In San Antonio there are 34 other Music Stores. An overview can be found here.
by opendius on September 11, 2015 from opendius


License to Drive: Hundreds of old license plates are stored on the second floor and range in price from $5-$65.
by ezlocal on June 19, 2014 from ezlocal
One of San Antonio's Best: Alamo Records is nominated for best record store for the unbelievably huge selection.
by ezlocal on June 19, 2014 from ezlocal

Editorial Reviews

Tourists and locals alike shop here for bargains on retro collectibles and vinyl.:
Vintage Vinyl
While Echoes From the Past may be known for their extensive specialty collections, they also have a lot of, to put it simply, other stuff. Perhaps the most notable (or...
by by Contributor at Citysearch on August 18, 2003 from Citysearch

Information from the business

This downtown shop, just around the corner from the real Alamo, specializes in hard-to-find 78rpm, 45rpm and 33rpm records, making it a must-see for the serious music collector. From the Beatles to Elvis, it caters to those with a yearning for the past and an appreciation of good tunes. It also stocks a good selection of vinyl LP records in classical, jazz, rock and blues. There are compact...
by yahoolocal on May 12, 2014 from yahoolocal