Boarding underdogs & catsse habla espanolalojamiento para perros y gatosestaclonamiento to en nuestras installacloneshaorarlo de atewnclon con cita previahorus by appointmentpeluqueria para mascotasperros gatos reptiles conejos hurones mascotas exoticasparking on premisesradiografias digitalestarjetas de credito principales170010attr:boardingveterinary hospital
Here at Animal Clinic & Hospital of Jersey city, when a pet patient and parent enter our office, their health and well-being becomes our primary concern. Our dedicated staff upholds notable veterinary standards to give your pet with superior care in a welcoming, relaxed environment. Our goal is to give quality pet care and exceptional customer service. As a general practitioner, we can diagnose...
The veterinary hospital has been in operation since the 1940's. We have expanded to a 5 veterinarian hospital providing a broader range of services, including behavioral services, boarding and grooming. The interior of the hospital was completely remodeled recently to enable us to bring a better service to the pet owners of Jersey City and the surrounding area. It is a 3, 800 square foot...