Bain Inc

316 W Shotwell St BainbridgeGA39819

Open Map


Since 1996 the company has been providing Social Services For The Handicapped.
by dandb on July 13, 2015 from dandb

Information from the business

Here is a brief description of our services: Computer Recycling / Reboot Program Low Cost Eyeglass Program Resource Library/... Computer with Internet Assistive Devices/ Assistive Technology Alternative Formats: Large Print, Audio Cassette, and Braille Home Modification Program Home Access Program See More
by facebook on December 26, 2011 from facebook
The Bainbridge Advocacy Individual Network ( BAIN ) was established in June 1995. BAIN is a grass roots, non-profit, community based, advocacy organization founded by two disabled persons, Virginia Close Harris and the late Eddie Bulger. They believed in themselves and were determined to make a difference. They recognized there was a need for those persons in the community that had a disability...
by superpages on October 10, 2011 from superpages