Calvary Baptist Church

1881 Harvard Way RenoNV89502

Open Map


Since 1946 the company has been providing Baptist Church.
by dandb on August 28, 2015 from dandb

Information from the business

by localcom on June 11, 2015 from localcom
At Calvary discover a life worth living and be a part of a family where you belong........ a place for YOU
by cylexusa on October 26, 2014 from cylexusa
by yellowpages on October 19, 2014 from yellowpages
Believe in the Inspiration of Scripture, the Trinity of the Godhead, the Deity of Jesus Christ, the Person of the Holy Spirit, Justification by faith, Security of the believer, Autonomy of the local church and the Imminent return of Christ History The original CALVARY CHURCH was organized on September 7, 1943, and held their first meeting on September 26 under the leadership of Pastor William...
by superpages on September 21, 2013 from superpages