Catnip Inn

2414 Tangley St HoustonTX77005

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Catnip Inn was founded in 2009, and is located at 2414 Tangley St in Houston. Additional information is available at or by contacting Vicki Hansen at (713) 523-7877.
by dandb on April 28, 2016 from dandb

Information from the business

Making plans for your cat/cats while you are away is often one of the biggest stresses when leaving home. What are your options? Is the best idea to hire a pet sitter who will come once or twice a day? What about begging a favor from a friend or neighbor? Or should you board your cat? Boarding is often considered as the last resort, until now. Boarding no longer has to be boring or confining.
by cityvoter on May 13, 2016 from cityvoter
Cats only boarding and grooming.
by yahoolocal on April 27, 2014 from yahoolocal