CJ's Packet Icehouse and Grill

1220 Allen Genoa Rd HoustonTX77017

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CJ's Packet Icehouse and Grill is located at 1220 Allen Genoa Rd, Houston, TX. This business specializes in Bars, Pubs, & Clubs.
by merchantcircle on November 15, 2018 from merchantcircle

Information from the business

CJ's Packet Icehouse and Grill
by kudzu on October 15, 2017 from kudzu
CJ's Packet Icehouse & Grill (formally The Packet) is Open for Business! Come Check us out for our...
by facebook on August 11, 2015 from facebook
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by yellowpages on August 10, 2015 from yellowpages
by localcom on September 30, 2014 from localcom