David Brenton's Team

4741 E Stop 11 Rd IndianapolisIN46237

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Full service real estate team. Team members specialize in either listing homes for sale or assisting home buyers. Focus on residential real estate on the Southside of Indianapolis, including Franklin Township, Perry Township, Beech Grove, Greenwood, Center Grove, Whiteland and Franklin.
by angieslist on October 31, 2014 from angieslist

Information from the business

Indianapolis, Greenwood & Central Indiana Realtors for 21 years. We have helped over 3,750 Hoosier...
by facebook on July 29, 2015 from facebook
Indianapolis, Greenwood and Central Indiana Realtors for 22 years. We have helped over 4,000 Hoosiers buy, build and sell real estate.
by foursquare on August 15, 2014 from foursquare
Ranked in the top 1% ofreal estate teamrealtors nationallywith our guaranteedwith our guarnateed
by localcom on July 24, 2014 from localcom
Since 1992 our team concept has provided a superior level of service for both sellers and buyers of homes throughout Central Indiana. Each team member has specific responsibilities that are aligned to their strengths. Clients receive more detailed attention. The result is obvious with over 3,500 families that have successfully bought and/or sold their homes with the assistance of David Brentons...
by yellowpages on March 21, 2014 from yellowpages