Over 70 years of sewing machine, sales and service, from home sewing machines to industrial bag sewing machines. We service all makes and models of sewing machines.
Des moines sewing machine company, sales of sewing machines, parts & services. - your bag closing headquarters.70 years of servicehome/commerciauindustrialover 70 years of service210410attr:embroidery machines270176attr:industrial sewing machinesembroidery machinessewing machines sales & servicesewing machines service & repair
The Des Moines Sewing Machine Company provides sales & service of bag sewing machines and equipment, commercial & industrial sewing machines as well as home sewing machines & home embroidery machines. We provide free estimates and repair all makes of sewing machines. We also have a free loaner program for our bag sewing machine customers. With over 65 years in business your satisfaction is...
70 years of servicehome/commerciauindustrialover 70 years of service210410attr:embroidery machines270176attr:industrial sewing machinesembroidery machinessewing machines sales & servicesewing machines service & repair