Disability Rehab Center

23233 Saticoy St Ste 106 Canoga ParkCA91304

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Disability Rehab Center is located at 23233 Saticoy St Ste 106, Canoga Park, CA. This location is in the West Hills neighborhood. This business specializes in Home Health Care and Rehabilitation Services.
by merchantcircle on August 28, 2015 from merchantcircle

Information from the business

Ergonomic evaluation, recommendations for improvement Postural rehabilitation in record time frame Soft tissue inflammation: evaluation and treatment Trigger points resolving techniques Fibromyalgia (treatment for reduction and management of pain) Diabetic neuropathy Electromyometric biofeedback EEG Neurofeedback Training treatment Neurological, orthopedic and geriatric rehabilitation Mood...
by yahoolocal on July 17, 2015 from yahoolocal