Donald S. Kinney CPA, P.C.

3732 Vest Mill Rd Winston SalemNC27103

Open Map


Kinney S Donald Cpa Pc was founded in 2009, and is located at 3732 Vest Mill Rd in Winston Salem. Additional information is available at or by contacting Donald Kinney at (336) 768-8000.
by dandb on August 05, 2015 from dandb

Information from the business

For ideal personal and business financial planning, Donald S. Kinney, CPA, P.C. can help. We offer sound investing advice and are a leader in providing Winston-Salem, NC accounting solutions.
by superpages on January 12, 2014 from superpages
Donald S. Kinney, CPA, P.C. offers high-quality accounting services with a personal focus. The firm provides accounting, tax, and consulting services for individuals, small businesses, trusts, and nonprofit organizations. Some of the services the company
by yellowpages on November 06, 2012 from yellowpages