FedEx Office in New Orleans, LA provides a one-stop shop for small businesses printing and shipping expertise and reliable customer service when and where you need it. Services include copying and digital printing, direct mail, signs and graphics, Internet access, computer rental, fax services, passport photos, FedEx Express and FedEx Ground shipping. Upload documents with FedEx Office Print...
Introducing the new FedEx Pack Plus package shipping service inside FedEx Office at 762 St Charles Ave in New Orleans, LA. With over 20 types of specialty shipping boxes, the pros at FedEx Office can help you pack and ship your small, big and bulky items. Just bring it to the FedEx Pack Plus counter and take advantage of our expanded packing services. Plus, you'll get the convenient and...
FedEx Corporation: Today's FedEx is led by FedEx Corporation, which provides strategic direction and consolidated financial reporting for the operating companies that compete collectively under the FedEx name worldwide: FedEx Express, FedEx Ground, FedEx Freight, FedEx Office, FedEx Custom Critical, FedEx Trade Networks and FedEx Services.