Get directions, view store hours, and promotions for the FedEx Office on 1426 E William St, Carson City NV, 89701. Let our experts take care of all your shipping and office needs.
Introducing the new FedEx Pack Plus package shipping service inside FedEx Office at 1426 E William St in Carson City, NV. With over 20 types of specialty shipping boxes, the pros at FedEx Office can help you pack and ship your small, big and bulky items. Just bring it to the FedEx Pack Plus counter and take advantage of our expanded packing services. Plus, you'll get the convenient and reliable...
Copying & Duplicating Services. Find a location or print online. Fedex Office has locations all over the world offering In-Store Services such as copy/printing, personalized products, signs and graphics, photo services, business documents, packing/shipping services and technology services. Online services allow customers to print to a Fedex Office, photo services, direct mail services, and...