Visit FedEx Ship Center in New York, NY when you need packing supplies, boxes, FedEx Express and FedEx Ground shipping services. You can also have your FedEx Express shipments held for pickup, or schedule your next residential delivery with FedEx Delivery Manager. FedEx Ground offers cost-effective ground shipping with guaranteed transit times. With FedEx Ground, you'll get industry-leading...
* Prepare Shipments Online
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* Explore Business Solutions
FedEx is committed to providing outstanding customer experience, to being a great place to work, a thoughtful steward of the environment and a caring citizen in the communities where we live and work. At FedEx, we are passionate about sustainably connecting people and places and improving the quality of life...
The FedEx portfolio of shipping services has been assembled to address the unique needs of all customers. Whether you are shipping near or far, to clients or family, in a hurry or not and no matter the budget, there is a service that is right for you. Explore our extensive options to find the services that meet your specific needs.\n\nFedEx Express® (Up to 150 lbs.; 1 to 3 business days)FedEx...