Ferguson Waterworks

2275 E Ginter Rd TucsonAZ85706

Open Map


Ferguson Waterworks can be found at E Ginter Rd 2275. The following is offered: Metal Industries. The entry is present with us since Sep 8, 2010 and was last updated on Nov 12, 2013. In Tucson there are 161 other Metal Industries. An overview can be found here.
by opendius on May 06, 2015 from opendius

Information from the business

The waterworks department of Ferguson Waterworks promises its customers all the needed help when it comes to waterworks. The staff at Ferguson Waterworks is well trained and are improving their knowledge every year, making sure everything they need to know about waterworks is understood and can be used for the client's benefit.
by cylexusa on February 28, 2015 from cylexusa
Ferguson is a diverse wholesale distributor with operations spanning multiple business groups. The company is ranked as the largest plumbing wholesaler in North America. Ferguson is also the industry's second largest distributor of pipes, valves and fittings, waterworks, and heating and cooling equipment in North America. Ferguson has been in the waterworks business since the mid-'80s,...
by yellowpages on March 19, 2013 from yellowpages