First Christian Church- Disciples of Christ

3005 Porters Chapel Rd VicksburgMS39180

Open Map


First Christian Church-Disciples of Christ can be found at Porters Chapel Rd 3005. The following is offered: Religious Organizations. The entry is present with us since Sep 8, 2010 and was last updated on Nov 12, 2013. In Vicksburg there are 81 other Religious Organizations. An overview can be found here.
by opendius on March 10, 2015 from opendius

Information from the business

We believe in Jesus Christ as the only Son of God, who is Savior and Lord and trust in Him alone. We would love to welcome you in person and invite you.CHRISTIAN
by localcom on July 09, 2014 from localcom
Visitors Always Welcome
by merchantcircle on August 06, 2011 from merchantcircle