You found me and there's a reason for that! I'm a psychotherapist that helps people in their 20's and 30's create an amazing life. I will help you lower your anxiety, increase your self-confidence and remove blocks that are keeping you from living your most authentic life. I will teach you skills on how to better cope when you numb your feelings using drugs and alcohol, as well as help you heal...
Making the decision to seek professional help can be difficult. Finding a therapist with whom you feel comfortable is important. We can work together to make the positive changes in your life you strive for. My clinical specialties/insights include individuals who are seeking personal, emotional, or spiritual growth, need help overcoming depression, parenting difficulties, relationship issues,...
As individuals we all move to the beat of a different drum, as a counselor, one of the most important tasks is to figure out the intentions of my clients and hear their music. I understand that my clients are busy and are looking for lasting results; therefore, I pride myself on tailoring my approach to the person you are and your individual needs. I help clients acquire the skills needed to...