Grupo Livermore

3311 Pacific Ave LivermoreCA94550

Open Map


Grupo Livermore is located at 3311 Pacific Ave, Livermore, CA..
by merchantcircle on June 21, 2015 from merchantcircle

Information from the business

Alcorolicos anonimosdo you have or know someone who hasnosotros le diremos como hemos logrado dejarproblems with alcohol?sabados y domingos 10:00am a 12:00pmsesiones: Lunes a viernes 7:00pm a 9:00pmtiene usted o conoce a alguien que tengawe will tell you how we have been able tode beber sin costo alguno.problemas con el alcohol?stop drinking; at no charge.
by localcom on June 03, 2017 from localcom
Do You Have Or Know Someone Who Has Problems With Alcohol? We will tell you how we have been able to stop drinking; at no charge. Call us 24/7. We hold daily meetings Monday-Friday 7pm-9pm and Saturdays & Sundays 10am-12pm. Espanol: ¿Tiene usted o conoce a alguien que tenga problemas con el alcohol? Nosotros le diremos como hemos logrado dejar de beber, sin costo alguno. Llámenos 24/7. Tenemos...
by judysbook on February 27, 2015 from judysbook