Hearing Zone

3346 Lakeshore Ave OaklandCA94610

Open Map


Hearing Zone was founded in 2010. Hearing Zone specializes in Hearing Aids. Hearing Zone has 1 employees and estimated revenues of $51,000.00.
by dandb on October 15, 2015 from dandb

Information from the business

Hearing Zone Consists of two Locations in the Bay Area. We have 2 locations in the Bay Area Oakland And Alameda California. Hearing Zone Doctors Of Audiology Focus On Hearing Aids And Advanced Hearing technology.
by localcom on April 27, 2017 from localcom
Doctors of audiologyhear better feel better113820attr:hearing examshearing aids & assistive devices & supplieshearing instrumentshearing protection
by localcom on June 04, 2015 from localcom
Hearing Zone provides professional Audiology service specializing in Hearing Aids. We handle all major Hearing Aid manufactures in order to provide our patients with the hearing solution for their specific needs.
by yahoolocal on December 04, 2014 from yahoolocal
At Hearing Zone in Oakland California, our mission is to provide our patients with the tools needed to thrive in our fast moving community. Our advanced hearing healthcare and products for better hearing continues to help the people of the east bay live happier and more rewarding lives.
by yellowpages on October 09, 2014 from yellowpages