Saving Tucson Soles for More Than Half a Century" is more than our motto - it is who we are. Ever since Rose and Dave Hirsh opened HIRSH'S in 1954, we have been determined to sell shoes that are not only attractive but also really comfortable. That's why we carry almost every size and width made. That's why our well-experienced staff includes three Certified Pedorthists.
Saving Tucson's Soles...
3 Certified Podiatrists On Staff. Arthritis. Available In All Sizes And Widths. Bunions. Dance Shoes. Diabetes. Finn Comfort - MBT - P.W. Minor - Brooks - Kumf - Wolky. Hammer Toes. Mismatching Available. Orthotics. Shoes For Braces. Shoes For The Problem Foot. Southern Arizona's Most Complete Stock Of Dance Shoes And Dance Wear.
“Saving Tucson Soles for More Than Half a Century” is more than our motto – it is who we are. We offer an extensive array of comfortable and stylish shoe lines - in almost every size and width. Pamper your feet and stop by today!