Horizon Smog

3600 Pacheco Blvd MartinezCA94553

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Horizon Smog was founded in 2009, and is located at 1424 Shell Ave Ste A in Martinez. Additional information is available at www.horizonsmog.com or by contacting Madiabel Gueye at (925) 370-1200.
by dandb on June 25, 2015 from dandb

Information from the business

We specialize in customer service and SMOG for any type of vehicle!! RVS! Diesels!
by yahoolocal on May 01, 2014 from yahoolocal
Horizon Smog located at 1424 Shell Ave in Martinez, CA services vehicles for Auto Inspection, Emissions Testing, Gas Stations, Smog Test. Call (925) 370-1200 to book an appointment or to hear more about the services of Horizon Smog.
by mechanicadvisor on January 16, 2014 from mechanicadvisor