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At Block Advisors, when it comes to taxes, we’ve seen it all. And we’ve solved it.

With a network of 2,000+ Tax Advisors, averaging 15 years of tax preparation experience each, Block Advisors offers year-round tax preparation, tax planning, and business services to help with any tax situation, no matter how complex. To stay at the top of our game, our Tax Advisors complete specialized training...
by yellowise on January 02, 2017 from yellowise

Information from the business

H&R Block Inc. is the world's preeminent tax services provider, having served more than 400 million clients since 1955. H&R Block provides income tax return preparation and related services and products via a nationwide network of approximately 13,000 company-owned and franchised offices and through TaxCut online and software solutions. H&R Block is the only tax company that offers you, our customer, in-person services, TaxCut software and online solutions.
by Citysearch on April 18, 2014 from Citysearch
At Block Advisors, when it comes to taxes, we’ve seen it all. And we’ve solved it. With a network of 2,000+ Tax Advisors, averaging 15 years of tax preparation experience each, Block Advisors offers year-round tax preparation, tax planning, and business services to help with any tax situation, no matter how complex. To stay at the top of our game, our Tax Advisors complete specialized training...
by golocal247 on December 29, 2016 from golocal247
Block Advisors offers year-round tax preparation & planning, business services and a reliable relationship that goes beyond the return. Because your taxes aren’t just about what happened last year. They’re about what’s next.
by localcom on February 26, 2016 from localcom
H&R Block SAINT PAUL can offer you tax filling solutions across the United States. The company strives to provide high quality services to every customer. With the H&R Block SAINT PAUL tax calculator it will be easier to get your taxes ready, whether online or in the office. H&R Block SAINT PAUL also provides high quality banking services.
by cylexusa on June 30, 2014 from cylexusa