Indspec Chemical Corp

411 7th Ave Ste 300 PittsburghPA15219

Open Map


Indspec Chemical Corporation can be found at 7th Ave 411. The following is offered: Industrial Importers. The entry is present with us since Sep 10, 2010 and was last updated on Nov 14, 2013. In Pittsburgh there are 27 other Industrial Importers. An overview can be found here.
by opendius on August 31, 2015 from opendius

Information from the business

Resorcinol, Penacolite R Resins, beta Resorcylic Acid, HER TM and HPR TM Aromatic Diols, other Resorcinol Derivatives, sodium sulfate, and sodium sulfite are produced by INDSPEC Chemical Filter washer crystal purification technology is available for licensing
by cylexusa on November 07, 2014 from cylexusa