Welcome to Komfort Zone. From chilly nights to humid days, our goal is to make your home a comfort zone. We treat people the way we like to be treated, offering quality Chesapeake air conditioning service at an affordable price. We are proud of our service to Hampton Roads, and we look forward to helping you with your Norfolk heating and cooling needs. Call us today for more information.
Welcome to Komfort Zone Heating & Cooling, from chilly nights to humid days our goal is to make your home a Komfort Zone. We treat people the way we like to be treated, offering quality Chesapeake air conditioning service at an affordable price. We're proud of our service to Hampton Roads and look forward to helping you with your Norfolk heating and cooling needs.
Duct Work Replacement.
Free Estimates On Replacements and Installations
Preventative Maintenance
Chesapeake Air Conditioning
Air Conditioning Contractors & Systems
Air Conditioning Virginia Beach
Oil Heating
Norfolk Heating
All Major Brands.
Gas Heat
Your System & Your Brand Serviced Now, Call Now And Get, Warranties Up To 10 Years, Home Maintenance Contracts, No Overtime Charges. Proudly Serving Residential Customers in the Chesapeake, Suffolk, Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Virginia Beach areas since 1994.