Founded in 1987, Battery Park City Parks Conservancy, also known as BPC Parks, is a private nonprofit organization. It operates more than 30 acres of open space on the southern tip of Manhattan. The organization provides maintenance services to parks and gardens, playing fields, playgrounds, plazas and walkways. BPC Parks maintains several departments and operating divisions, such as...
Kumon BATTERY PARK CITY was established in 1958 in Japan. Kumon BATTERY PARK CITY offers learning programs in two areas: math and reading. It all started with the desire of a father to teach his son new methods of learning math. Soon enough it all resulted in founding an educational centre. Currently Kumon BATTERY PARK CITY offers after school services in 47 countries all over the world.
Kumon of Battery Park City is part of the world's largest after-school math & reading program, helping children of all ages become self-learners.