L & R Auto Repair

2290 Oneida St Denver DenverCO80207
Payment Methods: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover
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Recommended 5
Not Recommended 0
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L & R Auto Repair can be found at Oneida St 2290. The following is offered: Gas Stations. The entry is present with us since Sep 10, 2010 and was last updated on Nov 14, 2013. In Denver there are 41 other Gas Stations. An overview can be found here.
by opendius on June 05, 2015 from opendius

Member Reviews

appreciate all the time and effort you put into it.:
Thank you, L & R Auto Repair LLC, so much for getting my car fixed up sooo nice! You all did a great job. I appreciate all the time and effort you put into it.
by trabvadasirazli4en on October 29, 2012
I just wanted to drop a quick note:
I just wanted to drop a quick note to say thank you for all your help in getting my car fixed. I really appreciate it! Thanks again.
by [email protected] on October 29, 2012
We will pass the word:
L & R Auto Repair LLC, thanks for the great job you did on our car! We will pass the word to anyone else who would need some work!
by harrykeen382 on October 29, 2012
Thank you:
Thank you for the fine auto body repair job you did on my mini-van. It looks like it`s never been in an accident.
by postaaronpiemisebananovsheik2 on October 29, 2012

Information from the business

L and R Auto Repair located at 2290 Oneida St in Denver, CO services vehicles for Auto Repair, Engine Repair, Tune up, Gas Stations. Call (303) 399-5250 to book an appointment or to hear more about the services of L and R Auto Repair.
by mechanicadvisor on October 18, 2014 from mechanicadvisor
L & R Auto Repair is committed to providing you with a wide range of high quality automotive services. Along with providing the best service, we want to ensure our customers are thoroughly educated on the systems and services necessary.
by getfave on January 16, 2014 from getfave
It doesn’t matter if your car is ten years old or just rolled off the assembly line—our skilled technicians are able to take care of it the right way.
by localcom on December 29, 2013 from localcom
In the automotive repair industry, where you choose to get your car fixed can make a big difference in the service, quality and price you receive; and choosing the wrong company can lead to a costly drawn-out project that only fixes the problem in the short term. At L & R Auto Repair, we offer comprehensive services that are designed to keep your vehicle running like new. Reliable and...
by insiderpages on January 23, 2013 from insiderpages