Lci Distributors


LA CUISINE INTERNATIONAL - KITCHEN APPLIANCES is located at 2005 NW 115TH AV, Miami, FL. This business specializes in Appliances and Home Furnishings.
by merchantcircle on December 18, 2018 from merchantcircle

Information from the business

Kitchen Appliances Distribution Group in the US and more than 30 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. La Cuisine International your source for Gaggenau, Thermador, Bosch, Smeg, Franke, Kindred, Faber and Best Hoods, Alfresco, Coyote, Jura, Liebherr, U-line, Scotsman
by localcom on November 09, 2015 from localcom

Many Other Brands
Distributor for The Caribbean
Parts and Service Available
Central and South America
Viking and Many Other Brands
Distributor for The Caribbean Central and South America
110v/60h and 220v/50h
Welcome Builders
Factory Direct
by yasabe on May 12, 2014 from yasabe