Majestic Gardens


Majestic Gardens LLC is located in Columbus, OH. This business specializes in Landscaping.
by merchantcircle on October 01, 2017 from merchantcircle

Information from the business

Majestic Gardens is a Landscape Design Build company that specializes in turning your property into an outdoor living space. We take your wants and desires and turn them into a plan that can be implemented into your budget and time frame.

We design and install colorful Landscapes, Paver Patios and Seating Walls, maintenance free Water Gardens, and Low Voltage Lighting. When the entry to your...
by yellowbook on March 25, 2016 from yellowbook
Majestic Gardens

Top-Rated Landscaper & GardenerReview & Hire With Confidence Now!
by localcom on April 12, 2015 from localcom
Proudly Serving: Columbus, OH

Majestic Gardens LLC delivers unmatched services at competitive prices. Give us a call for your next job, you won't find a better Columbus, OH Landscaping company anywhere else.


Landscape Companies
Landscape Service
General Landscaping

Commercial Landscaping

Commercial Lawn Mower
Commercial Landscape
Business Landscapers
by yasabe on February 12, 2014 from yasabe
Community Involvement

Kairos Prison Ministry

Boy Scouts Volunteer

Meals on Wheels

Village Mountain Missions- Dominican Republic house building

How We Got Started

I chose to work in this industry because I love show show God's beauty in every project we complete..

We started in this industry in 1993.

We describe our business as Family owned and operated
by servicemagic on February 09, 2014 from servicemagic