Morris Auto Sales

782 Wellfield Rd Elizabeth CityNC27909

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Morris Auto Sales is located at 782 Wellfield Rd, Elizabeth City, NC. This business specializes in Auto Road Service.
by merchantcircle on October 07, 2018 from merchantcircle

Information from the business

Morris Auto Sales has been proudly serving the Albemarle area for 45 years. We buy and sell used car parts. We also provide emergency towing service and wrecker service. We are available 24 hours and day, 7 days a week. Call us today for your automotive needs!
by yellowpages on October 12, 2014 from yellowpages
We buy and sell used auto parts Morris Auto Sales has been proudly serving the Albemarle area for 45 years. We buy and sell used car parts. We also provide emergency towing service and wrecker service. We are available 24 hours and day, 7 days a week. Call us today for your automotive needs!
by localdatabase on July 01, 2014 from localdatabase