Northwest Window & Gutter Cleaning


Northwest Window And Gutter Cleaning was founded in 1990, and is located at 3924 204th St Sw in Lynnwood. It employs 2 employees and is generating approximately $74,000.00 in annual revenue.
by dandb on January 07, 2016 from dandb

Information from the business

Northwest Window & Gutter Cleaning is located at the address 2905 170th St Sw in Lynnwood, Washington 98037. They can be contacted via phone at (425) 775-1244 for pricing, hours and directions. Northwest Window & Gutter Cleaning specializes in Siding, Cedar, Steel.

Northwest Window & Gutter Cleaning has an annual sales volume of 0 - 500K. .For more information contact Pat Crosby, Owner
by chamberofcommerce on January 16, 2015 from chamberofcommerce
Northwest Window and Gutter Cleaning is experts in exterior maintenance for Homes and Commercial buildings. We offer year round service with great discounts if you have us out more than one time per year. We have experience in commercial buildings such as window cleaning on skyscrapers as well as we clean about 4000 residential home windows every year. If you are looking for a reliable exterior...
by superpages on June 22, 2011 from superpages