Praxair Inc

2205 Newton Ave San DiegoCA92113

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Praxair Distribution, Inc., a subsidiary of Praxair, Inc. (NYSE: PX), is one of the leading packaged gas and welding equipment distributors in the United States.
by topix on December 21, 2017 from topix

Information from the business

Praxair Distribution, Inc., a subsidiary of Praxair, Inc. (NYSE: PX), is one of the leading packaged gas and welding equipment distributors in the United States.
by getfave on October 17, 2017 from getfave
Praxair Distribution, Inc. is an industrial gases company that provides and delivers specialty gases. Industries like health care, food, energy, aerospace and many others rely on Praxair Distribution, Inc.
to offer one of a kind service. Praxair Distribution, Inc.
is interested in offering the best to every customer as well as acting in a responsible way towards the environment.
by cylexusa on February 27, 2015 from cylexusa
At Praxair, we are working together toward a single goal: making our planet more productive.
by localcom on November 27, 2014 from localcom