Quality Care Janitorial Svc

2544 Jessamine Ave Baton RougeLA70805

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Quality Care Janitorial Services was founded in 2010, and is located at 2544 Jessamine Ave in Baton Rouge.
by dandb on March 16, 2015 from dandb

Information from the business

Quality Care Janitorial Services is located at the address 2544 Jessamine Ave in Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70805. They can be contacted via phone at (225) 357-4001 for pricing, hours and directions.

Quality Care Janitorial Services has an annual sales volume of 501K - 999,999. .

For maps and directions to Quality Care Janitorial Services view the map to the right. For reviews of Quality Care...
by chamberofcommerce on July 19, 2014 from chamberofcommerce
Serving the Baton Rouge Area. We Offer Commercial & Residential Services. Even though a manufacturer claims their product has no formalehyde in the ingredients, it's misleading. When the flat iron is used-the heat of 450 degrees turns the chemical applied to the hair into a formaldehyde gas. This is how they get away with the representation of "Formaldehyde Free."
by judysbook on March 01, 2014 from judysbook