Robertson Bonded Warehouse INC

4002 Locust Ave LubbockTX79404

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Robertson Bonded Warehouse Inc is located at 4002 Locust Ave, Lubbock, TX. This business specializes in Warehouses Commodity & Merchandise.
by merchantcircle on September 28, 2015 from merchantcircle

Information from the business

Robertson Bonded Warehousing, Inc Serving all your South Plains area warehousing needs
by cylexusa on September 29, 2014 from cylexusa
Robertson Bonded Warehouse, Inc. currently has three warehousing facilities and both our Warehouse and office are non-union:

100,000 sq ft constructed in 1950
65,000 sq ft constructed in 1992
70,000 sq ft aquired in 2000.
Our Normal hours of operation are below, but special hours can be accommodated upon request:
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Central time, Monday thru Friday
8:00 AM to 12:00 Noon...
by yellowbook on September 13, 2013 from yellowbook