Safety Fire Sprinkler Corp



Fire Sprinkler & Standpipe
Fd Violations Removed
Fire Dept Tests
Monthly Inspections
Lic# 771b
by yasabe on May 25, 2015 from yasabe

Information from the business

We service all fire safety needs including design, new installations, monthly fire safety inspections, fire code compliance, hydrostatic fire sprinkler testing, fire sprinkler repair and other fire protection needs.220520ATTR:REPAIRSINSPECTIONSINSTALLATION
by localcom on February 23, 2015 from localcom
For over 20 years, Safety Fire Sprinkler has been specializing in the fire sprinkler industry. Based in Brooklyn, N.Y., the firm serves as a licensed fire suppression contractor in New York City and a range of local jurisdictions throughout the Metropolitan area. Safety Fire Sprinkler is a member of various organizations, such as National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), National Fire...
by yellowpages on April 25, 2014 from yellowpages

Fire Sprinkler & Standpipe
Fire Dept Tests
Fd Violations Removed
Monthly Inspections
Lic# 771b
by yasabe on March 08, 2014 from yasabe
Fire Sprinkler & Standpipe
Fd Violations Removed
Monthly Inspections
Lic# 771b
by yasabe on February 11, 2014 from yasabe