And more!and morecstom furniture087870attr:trims100650attr:commercial265368attr:upholsterydraperyupholstery
Sanes, Gene Upholstery is located at the address 1645 Penn Ave in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222.
For maps and directions to Sanes, Gene Upholstery view the map to the right. For reviews of Sanes, Gene Upholstery see below.
Gene Sanes Upholstery Custom Upholstery of fine upholstered furniture in the Pittsburgh area. Specializing in reupholstery and offering a large selection of area rugs and reupholstery supplies in our show room.087870ATTR:TRIMS100650ATTR:COMMERCIAL265368ATTR:UPHOLSTERYDRAPERYUPHOLSTERY
Gene Sanes, upholster, upholstering, reupholstering, custom cornices, corner booths, custom made furniture, custom sofas, custom chairs, custom booths, furniture restoration, window treatments, and more.