Myth:no recovery no fee!truth: People fall because they ignored yellow cones. People slip because they're careless. People trip because they're not looking where they're going. 39 years of trial experienceattorney at lawcall today!hazard #1hazard #2hazard #3hazard #4hazard #5hazard #6unsafe stepshighest national lawyer ratingif you have been injured by any of these or other fall hazards...
Call an experienced Hawaii personal injury attorney now at 808-524-5803!
Attorneys at Shim & Chang represent clients involved in auto accidents, slip & fall accidents, medical malpractice, and defenctive products cases.
Shim & Chang is a Honolulu personal injury firm devoted to protecting the rights of accident and injury victims throughout Hawaii. Our Hawaii personal injury attorneys are highly accomplished and respected by our peers, have experience representing clients in almost every type of accident claim, and are ready and willing to talk to you about your case.