Side 2 Integrated Marketing

1033 SW Yamhill St, Suite 403 PortlandOR97205
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Payment Methods: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Finance Plan, Invoice
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Recommended 1
Not Recommended 0
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Payment Options: Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover, Personal Checks, Financing, Invoice
by showmelocal on July 30, 2015 from showmelocal

Member Reviews

A Mixed Bag:
I'm an employee, have been for 18 months, and I'd like to add some facts that might color the reviews.
1). A lot depends on what you think of marketing. We're sociopaths and lie for a living, encouraging consumer dependence, which ruins countless lives. Point being, what does it mean to be a "good marketer"? Ultimately, none are, so I guess the question is, "average", sociopath?
2). The owner believes in an imaginary friend and has used Him to take money from people before he did this. Most the clients are other xtians, so, again, they accept all the c@!p as a normal life.
3). The review by Nate Nielsen...just google "trey starrs the pot shot" and you'll be able to judge the guy enough to imagine why one would fire him over the phone. He's a real piece of work. He ran The Pot Shot while working in the Tarrant County jail. Real classy- post online pics of your clients with notations like "Pot Shot Prosties", etc. BTW, Nate, if you want to know who blew your cover and why, it was a buddy that can't stand soccer or your constant whining on Portland Sucks. Yeah, I know a sociopath like you doesn't exactly see what's wrong with soccer, but then, you wouldn't! Gee. I can't imagine why anyone would fire "Trey Starrs" over the phone. There have to be so many bad a**sses out for payback. You'd have to take out extra insurance to employ him!

Bottom line, if you're one of the marketing sociopaths, you'll like this outfit. If you're a real human being- ask yourself why you think you need to pay people like this to herd sheep. If your business requires that, maybe get a real job?
by Πανδώρα Άγαδακις on September 09, 2014
They have become a great partner...:
Thanks for all that you do. You are a trusted asset and resource.
by Mike Jefferis on May 14, 2013
Fired me over the PHONE.:
Tacky operation. Beware prospective staff, clients watch your bank accounts.
by Nate Nielsen on April 17, 2013
Great Place to Work:
We are always looking for quality personnel.
by Shawn Raloff on January 22, 2013

Information from the business

Portland, OR based Internet Marketing firm offering search, local, mobile and social advertising solutions.
by localcom on June 27, 2014 from localcom
Side 2 Integrated Marketing is a Portland based integrated marketing firm offering traditional, search, local, mobile, and social advertising solutions. Headed by owner Shawn Raloff, a former Pastor, with over 20 years in the internet industry (he has owned since 1993) Side 2 Integrated Marketing has become a industry standard in online advertising for a variety of businesses.We take...
by judysbook on November 03, 2013 from judysbook
We specialize in traditional, search, local, mobile and social advertising solutions.
by yellowpages on July 04, 2013 from yellowpages
Portland, OR based Integrated Marketing Firm specializing in traditional, search, local, mobile and social advertising solutions.
by yahoolocal on June 14, 2013 from yahoolocal