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Visit your Target in Seal Beach, CA for all your shopping needs including clothes, lawn & patio, baby gear, electronics, groceries, toys, games, shoes, sporting goods and more. We serve our guests in 49 states nationwide and at We're committed to providing a fun and convenient shopping experience, with unique products at affordable prices. Since 1946, the corporation has given 5...
We make eye care easy at your Seal Beach Target Optical located at 12300 Seal Beach Blvd. Every day we deliver on our "expect more, pay less" promise by bringing together quality eye care, fashion, affordability and a simple, fun shopping experience. You always get more looks for less with your eyeglasses and sunglasses with top brands like Ray-Ban, Armani Exchange, Oakley and more. And popular...
Women's clothing store that offers a curated collection of chic, unique women's clothing, jewelry and accessories. Your boutique features Style Experts, skilled associates who offer outfitting advice, fashion tips and tricks, previews of new collections and more and it's always complimentary.