Tartan Of Redlands

24 E Redlands Blvd RedlandsCA92373

Open Map


"The Place Where Everybody Knows Your Name"
by mapquest on December 19, 2016 from mapquest

Information from the business

"The Place Where Everybody
Knows Your Name"
by chamberofcommerce on December 19, 2016 from chamberofcommerce
Owner Message

Do you own Tartan of Redlands? Contact us to connect with your diners.
by menuism on November 23, 2015 from menuism
Steaks, Prime Rib (Saturday Only) and Award Winning Burgers
by yahoolocal on January 29, 2015 from yahoolocal
Bijoux Luxury Jewelers is a quaint, boutique shop in the heart of Redlands, specializing in fine timepieces, unique one-of-a-kind creations, and high quality designer lines such as Gelin Abaci, Torrini of Italy, and Tacouri in Southern California. Many of the styles are elegant, but not nearly as expensive as you might think! They sell loose diamonds (EGL & GIA Certified), and can help you...
by superpages on December 26, 2013 from superpages