Blood products for research, blood components, human biological samples, human red blood cells, and many other blood products. We're a top serum supplier and plasma supplier in the U.S. Assisting companies for over 40 years. Experience our on-time, within specifications and within budget customized assistance!
We are a Memphis blood bank, but also provide saliva testing and urine testing. For 40+ years we've delivered highly customized human biologic products for use in further manufacture of in vitro diagnostic products and for research or investigational use. Our products include blood for research, human red blood cells, blood components, human biologicals, human serum samples, human plasma...
We provide human blood products and blood for research. As a Memphis blood bank, we also provide urine testing and saliva testing. For over 40 years we have served research institutions and companies that need human blood samples. We pride ourselves in delivering on time, and within budget.
If you’re conducting research or you’re a manufacturing company which requires blood or related materials, give us a call at the Tennessee Blood Services Corp. We are a blood bank based in Memphis, Tennessee. We collect blood and other related materials from paid donors. The other materials we collect include human serum, human plasma, human erythrocytes, human platelets, and human leukocytes....