The Handyman Genie

4992 O'Sullivan Drive Los AngelesCA90032

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Handyman Genie is located at 4992 O Sullivan Dr in Los Angeles and has been in the business of Handyman Service since 2007.
by dandb on September 28, 2015 from dandb

Member Reviews

Drywall installation:
hafran construction maintain any kind of dry wall installation. These capabilities consist of performing machinery. Hoisting and yard and machinery service. Including the graphic arts and printing industry. Aerospace. Utility plants and chemical plants.shafran provides unique service capabilities to industries throSughout the nation.
Interior painting
by asraful on January 30, 2012

Information from the business

Home Repair Wishes Come True
by Citysearch on June 18, 2016 from Citysearch
"Cabinetry Drywall Repair Linoleum Flooring Wood Floors Laminate Flooring Wood Floor Kitchen Cabinets Hardwood Floors Window Repair"
by localcom on June 06, 2012 from localcom
Residential and commercial handyman services of repair, maintenance, replacement and improvement.
by localcom on February 12, 2012 from localcom