The Investigative Safety & Security Group

1185 S Main St AkronOH44301

Open Map


The Investigative Safety Security Group was founded in 2010, and is located at 1185 S Main St in Akron. It employs 1 employees and is generating approximately $35,000.00 in annual revenue.
by dandb on December 23, 2015 from dandb

Information from the business

Poly-Tech can confidentially assist in your search for the truth. Specializing in polygraph, risk management, investigation, and pre-employment interviewing in Cleveland, Columbus and state-wide in Ohio.135740ATTR:POLYGRAPH TESTINGLIE DETECTION SERVICELIE DETECTION
by localcom on October 10, 2016 from localcom
135740attr:polygraph testinglie detection servicelie detection
by localcom on August 24, 2015 from localcom