With over 30 years in the pet industry, it was easy to see the need was great for a product such as Wiki Wags (R) brand Disposable Male Dog Wraps and our "Super-Wik" Piddle Pads. We wholesale to over 55 companies in more than 24 states nationwide and have a strong retail presence as well for the savvy conscience pet owner; because our customers know we stand for quality and dependability.
Wiki Wags, a wholesale/retail leader in the Disposable Male Dog Diaper Wraps. Made for comfort and total reliability when it comes to territorial marking, excitability, or incontinence issues. Plus "Super-Wik" Piddle Pads that are made for puppies to adults, actually wick urine from the edge onto the pad. Holds a full 16oz without run-off leaving less mess 'under the pad ...Accidents CAN be a...
The secret is out! Wiki Wags Brand Disposable Male Dog Wraps in Lavon, TX is the answer for male dog diapers! No more hassles with ruined & smelly carpets, furniture, drapery, walls, kid's toys, or whatever the target may be!
Wiki Wags Brand Disposable
Male Dog Wraps are comfortably made & they actually wick urine away from the body. They are your only fully...