Zeke's Plumbing

901 Radford St El PasoTX79903

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Zeke's Plumbing was founded in 1967, and is located at 901 Radford St in El Paso. Additional information is available at www.zekesplumbing.com or by contacting Zeke Urueta at (915) 562-1348.
by dandb on May 17, 2016 from dandb

Information from the business

Zekes Plumbing is located at the address 901 Radford St in El Paso, Texas 79903. They can be contacted via phone at (915) 562-1348 for pricing, hours and directions. Zekes Plumbing specializes in Site Development, Industrial, Foundations.

Zekes Plumbing has an annual sales volume of 0 - 500K. .For more information contact Ezequiel Urueta, Owner

Zekes Plumbing provides Leak Detection, Sewer...
by chamberofcommerce on October 26, 2014 from chamberofcommerce
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by localcom on May 15, 2014 from localcom