1 Source Electronic Components

591 Bicycle Path Port Jefferson StationNY11776

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Tucked away inside a quaint office complex,  1-Source provides worldwide, industry-leading contract manufacturing, design and engineering services. It is the electronic component distributor and electronic component supplier for all board-level electronic, electric, and interconnect components. Some of 1-Source's other known services include: PCB Design & Assembly, Product Design, Prototyping,...
by mapquest on July 20, 2012 from mapquest

Information from the business

1-Source Electronic Components is a provider of electronic components. It serves industries, such as medical, health care, construction sales force automation logistics/supply chain, warehouse and inventory management. The company carries all types of electrical parts, including resistors, capacitors, inductors, potentiometers and transformers. It is an authorized distributor of many electric...
by yellowpages on May 01, 2014 from yellowpages