A & R Salvage & Recycling Inc

2820 Vinton St OmahaNE68105

Open Map


A & R Salvage & Recycling Inc is located at 2820 Vinton St in Omaha and has been in the business of Building Materials, Secondhand since 2001.
by dandb on October 16, 2015 from dandb

Information from the business

Located in South Omaha on 28th & Vinton Streets, A & R Salvage and Recycling, Inc. is a family owned business which specializes in dismantling residential and commercial properties as well as the resale of used building materials. Our sprawling 10 acre salvage yard contains anything and everything potential buyers could possibly ask for: doors, windows, lumber, brick, woodwork, trim, antiques,...
by localcom on March 25, 2014 from localcom