same day service -repair &service major home appliances.refigerators-freezers-ranges- ovens-dishwashers-dryers-disposals(no washers at this time)...warranty on all jobs-senior discounts-serving ... most san mateo county-over 25 years experiience-since 1980 )
Appliance repair service for Los Angeles, including washers, dryers, refrigerators, freezers, ovens, stoves, and dishwashers, Appliance repair services for all major appliances. Serving the Greater Los Angeles and and San Fernando ValleyFROM SAN MATEO CALL017750ATTR:WASHERSDISHWASHERSDISPOSALSDRYERSFREEZERSINSTALLATIONOVENSREFRIGERATORSSTOVES
We Service, Supply, and Repair all Brands Refrigerators Stoves Cook Tops Ovens Freezers Dishwashers Compactors Washers Dryers Wall Furnaces Disposals
AAA Appliance CO located at 11 22nd Avenue in San Mateo, CA services vehicles for Truck Detailing. Call (650) 571-5644 to book an appointment or to hear more about the services of AAA Appliance CO.