Airmet Metalworks

671 North 3rd Street NewarkNJ07107

Open Map


Additional information is available at or by contacting Stephen Yavorski at (973) 481-5550.
by dandb on May 14, 2016 from dandb

Information from the business


Decorative Iron
Historical Restorations
Balcony Railings
by yasabe on March 22, 2014 from yasabe
Airmet Metalworks is a custom metal fabrication company established in 1971. We provide a diversity of metal projects and offer exceptional quality and service. We offer "Exquisite Designs That Enhance Your Lifestyle".
by yellowpages on January 22, 2014 from yellowpages \nWe offer exclusive expertly crafted sculptures in metal that are truly an expression of the heart, mind and hands of this artisan. The techniques are time tested and proven. The quality is impeccable, the details extraordinary. If you are looking for a signature wrought iron fence, wrought iron gate, custom fireplace grille or any distinctive metal...
by insiderpages on May 09, 2012 from insiderpages
Airmet Metalworks is your source for the restoration, replication and creation of absolutely any metal project you have in mind. Our projects range from ga
by localcom on July 04, 2011 from localcom