Finest selection of original Art Nouveau antiques
San Franciscos finest selection of Art Nouveau antiques: Tiffany, Handel and Pairpoint lamps, stained and beveled glass windows, chandeliers, glass and sculpture from the turn of the century. The Antique Traders has been in the same location a San Francisco local business for 44 years. We only carry pieces that are authentically of the period and in excellent condition. Our knowledgable and...
(over 40 windows)44 years sme location44 years of expertise andantique (1880-1925) stained & beveled glass windowsantique stained & beveledart glass tiffany glalledaum nancy muller fres othersglass: Tiffany. Galle daum otherslamps tiffany handellamps: Tiffany handel fairpoint and othersonly store on the west coastover 400 art nouveaupairpoint b&h arts & crafts otherspius highest quality...
West Coast’s finest selection of antique Tiffany lamps, Art Nouveau lamps and chandeliers, antique stained and beveled glass windows, and decorative arts.